Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 Months

My, my what a completely different baby you are! I shouldn't use the word "baby" because I feel like I have a toddler.

I'm guessing here but based on your last doctors visit at the beginning of last week, you are weighing about 22.5-23 lbs and are about 27 1/4" long (9 month stat so you could be a tad longer). You wear 12 months clothes, size 3 diaper and a size 2 shoe.

Your personality has really come out this month. Words I would use to describe you: dramatic, hard headed (sorry it comes from both sides and you had no choice!), sweet, funny, and loving.

Your daddy and I laugh everyday over something you've done or a new facial expression. Here lately you will shrug your shoulders, wrinkle your nose and flash a big smile. We have no idea where you got this but it is the funniest thing! I keep trying to get it on camera but most of the pictures look like you are trying to handle your business.

You LOVE food and are a healthy eater. You have a big bowl of oatmeal in the mornings, a fruit or veggie for lunch, puff as a snack and a veggie/meat and a fruit for dinner. You are still taking 4-8 oz bottles but we are switching to whole milk this month! My pocketbook thanks you!

We have started letting you feed yourself. I asked the daycare to help us out and apparently you picked it up in a day!

I'm assuming it didn't take you long to figure out that if you do it yourself the food will go in a lot faster!
You are now a crawler. You don't find it necessary to crawl from room to room but you will crawl to get into something you aren't supposed to or to grab a toy your eyeballing.

You love to stand and are really good at it. You will hold on to my legs or the ottoman for support and just hang out awhile.

You have gotten brave and let go a few times and can stand for about 2 seconds then fall. But no worries you just pull right back up.

We've gotten you to take a few steps while holding on to us and you are getting stronger with it. We are hoping we have a walking flower girl come April.

You are still a really good sleeper at night. You usually take about 1 good nap a day so by 7:30 you are pooped and ready for bed. You then sleep until about 5:30. We try and leave you up a little longer on the weekends so we can sleep in a bit.
I'm not really sure how you sleep so well because you are a WILD woman in the bed!

No wonder I never get much sleep when we share a bed. You flop around like fish out of water!
This month has been so much fun! You are interacting more and more and becoming a little girl. Its true I want to slow things down but on the other hand I love celebrating your milestones and watching you grow!
Daddy and I love you very much, even if you are the most dramatic thing I have ever seen!


Erin said...

random question - does the daycare fix her cereal? or do you give it to her before daycare?? i just didn't know if they would mix it up and all that??? thanks! :)

Jaclyn said...

girlfriend...our babies are growing up right before our eyes...just incase you didn't realize it! ha! :(