Monday, January 10, 2011

A Clean Bill of Health

A few days before Christmas, Tuck came to stay with us for the holidays.

Thankfully today we found out we can send him packing in a few more days and we are hoping we won't see him for a really long time.

With all that has been going on with Cecilia and the holidays, I have failed to mention a few new tricks she has learned.

For starters, we finally have a mover! Not a fast mover or even a constant one, but a mover none the less. She started crawling 12-30. According to Brent she has done it before but he didn't consider it a crawl since she didn't go very far. Hello! Any movement from our child who seems content staying in one place is a big deal! Anyway, since then she has moved from here, there and yonder. This weekend she spent much of her time mopping my floors.
Second, I have worked with her on giving kisses. I will ask her to 'give kiss' and she puts one right on me. (See below)

Now you really have to like open mouth, lick kind of kisses but lucky for me those are my favorite coming from my precious baby!

Third, we have been able to start her on table food. SWEET! So far we have just worked with green beans and the baby puffs.

I would love to say its going well but she seems to think the concept is to mash it with her hands then throw it on the floor.

It is a total score for Colt! I think he ends up with more in his belly than she does!

Finally, she has added a new word to her vocabulary. Hi/Hey. We can sometimes get her to say it when she is supposed to but most of the time she just says it at random times. About like her waving out of nowhere. Sometimes to herself and backwards and sometimes in the right direction using both hands.

All these things have literally just happened. I feel like she makes all kinds of leaps and bounds all at the same time. I didn't want to wait until her 10 month post to write about it because the way my mind is working right now it might never get told!

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