Friday, August 5, 2011

5 Years

This post is pretty much for Brent.

Can you believe it?  5 years.

Seems so long but yet I still remember the day I became your wife.

I was not a nervous bride.  I was a happy, excited, let's get this show on the road bride. 

I remember walking down the aisle, dying to see you.

 We had been planning this day for a year and a half and it was finally here!  I was ready to be living within an arms reach of you instead of the long 3 1/2 hours.

I don't think I'd ever seen you so happy either.  You were all smiles that day!
 We said our vows and promised to be together through the good, the bad and the ugly.  And oh how we have had our share of bad and ugly!  But we have also had some amazing good!
I always tell you that there is no one else I would rather be married to and it's true.  I can't imagine living life with anyone else.  We have our differences but being the same would be just plain boring!

We have fought tooth and nail to get to here and I am just as excited about today as I was 5 years ago.  I will probably even replay the whole day all day!  But I never want to forget how I felt standing in front of you hands locked ready to face with this world with you.

Brentie, I love you and can't wait for many more years with you!

Happy Anniversary!

High five!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

What a nice way of recalling those memories! The pictures you chose are some of my favorites too, that first picture is my alltime favorite since it contains the three most precious people in my life (until Cecilia got here that is). Have a wonderful and blessed anniversary!