Thursday, August 25, 2011

Her Best Friend

Cecilia has come attached to something we call "wormie."  Its not really a worm; more like a caterpillar.

Wormie is squishy with a 1000 little hairlike things all over his body and is made of the material that as soon as it hits the floor, it will collect a million germs and whatever other particles are floating on any given floor.
She loves the silly thing and takes it everywhere!  I freak out of course in public because lord knows what funk it will pick up if she drops it.

This is our second Wormie.  The first one didn't make it too long and was decapitated when playtime with Daddy got a little intense.  It didn't phase her though, she just packed the two pieces around.

Mothers dream of their little girls becoming attached to cute, frilly little dolls.  I was no different.  I slept with a doll WAY longer than I should have and I was hoping Cecilia would find a doll she loved just as much as I did mine.  But instead she has found a bacteria magnet to give all her love to.


Momoi said...

But,it's so cute the way she walks around hugging and patting on "wormie"

Jaclyn said...

Too funny! I think Macey Cook had one of those things that she was completely attached to! :)