Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Don't Understand

There are a lot of things in this world that I do not understand. 

I don't understand young people taken from this world before they have had a chance to live life.

I don't understand nature completely destroying a town leaving thousands homeless with nothing more than the clothes are their backs and their memories crumbled around them.

I don't understand people killing one another just because they were mad.

But what I really don't understand is mama and daddy's abusing their kids.

I have heard a new story everyday this week of some mother or father abusing their child and not having a reason other than they didn't know better or they were just tired of caring for their disabled child.

My heart has been extremely heavy the past few days thinking about these children.  I have wanted nothing more than to run and scoop these little ones up and tell them that they are special and loved and they didn't do any thing to deserve the abuse they received.

I'm not sure what runs through people's heads and maybe I don't want to know.  I do know that whether I come home to this face...

or this one...

my love for her is the same.

Yes my patience are tried and tested lots of times but every parent's are.  And if its something they can't handle I wish they would let someone else love their children because no one, especially children, deserves to feel anything less than special.

I know this isn't a fun, light hearted post but that's just not the place I'm in right now.  Sometimes I need to get things out that bother me.

1 comment:

Alicia said...
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