Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm exhausted and thankful I have a day to recover.  That is unless tomorrow is just as packed as the last 2 days has been.

Last night we had a last minute dinner date with my parents.  We ate somewhere new in town and Cecilia showed herself to all those in the restaurant.  She was the devil's child and let everyone know her new (spoken) word, NO.

As if I was asking for more punishment, we decided we had to get some frozen yogurt.  Thankfully stuffing her face seemed to sooth her ill mood.  She was WIRED!  The place was pretty much empty so I didn't care that she was laughing and squealing at the top of her lungs.  She was having fun and I was tired of telling her to cool it.

With the shift in mood I thought the evening was taking a turn for the better, until we departed ways with my parents.  She cried and screamed the entire ride home.
It made it worse that we were riding side by side with my parents and every time we stopped, we rolled our windows down and my dad would talk to her.

She'd smile but as soon as we rolled away, the screaming started again.  Needless to say we went straight to bed when we got home.

Today we enjoyed a day outside in the water.

Her new water table.

A gift from my parents, Cecilia loves it!  So much so, that we had round 2 after dinner.

Daddy joined in on round 2 and keep this chick happy!

And the BIG news of the day, Cecilia used this bad boy today...

We aren't serious about potty training yet but wanted to introduce it.  As soon as I got it out she sat on it and has been throughout the day.  I put her on it before bath time because running water always gets things going.  And I will be dang if she didn't go!

I yelled and praised her.  Brent came in and praised her and she stared at us.  Apparently it was no big deal for her.  Who knows if this will stick but it was a big day for us.

I'm not the only one exhausted.  After her big day outside and all her accomplishments, she was too tired to sit and watch Mickey.

I see a long nap on our schedule tomorrow.

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