Monday, October 24, 2011

Better Late Than Never

So we just got around to buying some pumpkins today.  I had big plans on going to the orchard and getting some but things kept coming up and we haven't been able to go.  Good thing there was a place just around the corner that still had a ton and because of my tardiness, they were half off!

Cecilia took .2 seconds on finding one just her size.  She ran around the place looking at all the pumpkins and trying to pick up the bigger ones.  It was hilarious listening to her grunt trying to lift them.

We came home with 2 to paint/carve and 2 to decorate with.

Brent dug right into carving his.  Of course, he had a little help.

I thought he did a pretty good job.  Very spooky.

Next it was Cecilia's turn to decorate.  She almost didn't want to do it.  For some reason she was hesitate about painting even though she pretends to paint all the time.

Finally after 10 minutes, Brent convinced her to paint and then she didn't want to stop.  Go figure!

Her finished product...

I have been craving S'mores here lately and the other night I told Brent I really needed a fix.  Guess what he came home with tonight... 

The perfect nightcap.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Smores & pumpkin decorating -- what a fun fall night!! :)