Tuesday, November 15, 2011

K & K

I remember the day she was born.  I was 7 and anxious for her arrival.  I remember sitting in the tiny waiting room with the rest of my family wondering what was taking so long.  It's when I believed babies just appeared.

When she was finally here, she was the greatest thing I had ever seen!  She was just like my baby dolls but real.
I always had to be around her.  If she was at my Nanny's house, I rode my bike over there because I felt my Nanny couldn't handle her without me.  I loved when my aunt and uncle let me come over to play and when she got to come to our house, I was in heaven!

She was such a happy kid...

always laughing and being silly.

I remember her potty training days and having to watch the 'potty movie' a million times.  To the point that we were all singing the ridiculous potty song. (I'm singing it right now in my head!)  I didn't think things could get any better.

Then his guy entered our lives...

Spitting image of his daddy and the sweetest little boy I had ever seen!

He taught me the importance of keeping things covered up on little boys when changing their diapers.  I'm not sure who screamed louder, me or him that day.

We would sit on the couch snuggling with his 7 blankets watching The Rugrats movie over and over.  His favorite foods were cereal, ham and Doritos.  My Saturday mornings were spent watching his baseball and basketball games.
I've watched them grow all these years...

and I wonder on a daily basis where the time has gone.

 Today, Kelli turns 21.

And Kristopher turns 18.

They are quickly turning into adults and as much as I want time to stand still these days, it won't.  So I guess instead of wondering why they still aren't babies, I will raise my glass and celebrate this big moment!
Kelli, Happy 21st Birthday!

Kristopher, Happy 18th Birthday!

I love you both and hope you each have a fabulous day!


Anonymous said...

How sweet! That was a nice trip down memory lane.

Kelli said...

Kacie, I loved this post! Makes me wish we were still kids playing at Nanny and Poppy's. That was a great trip down memory lane. Love you!