Thursday, July 5, 2012

The 4th

To start our 4th holiday, we went to a Hot Rods baseball game here in town.  Someone was super excited to go to the ballgame.

Cecilia loved the game and enjoyed people watching.

It was still so hot by the 7th inning and Cecilia had had enough so we left and cruised in Sonic for a cool treat.

Cecilia and I were supposed to share but her sharing ability needs a little work!

Yesterday, we spent the morning relaxing around the house and making desserts to take over to my parent's later in the day.

They grilled out for us and my Nanny and the food was ridiculous!  There was a huge spread and we all stuffed ourselves.

Cecilia and I had a little photo shoot before dinner.

There were no fireworks for us this year (the ban and all) so we settled for poppers and sparklers.

Then we tried to get creative and write C's name out with the sparkler.

Take 1.
Supposed to be her whole name.

Take 6.
Condensed to CeCe.  Almost had it.

Take 10.

We had a really good day hanging out and being together.

Hope you had a Happy 4th as well!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Love your bangs!