Monday, July 16, 2012

Did all that just happen?

To re-cap our weekend we will start from the beginning.

Friday, C's class was having a picnic lunch outside.  They had to bring their own lunch plus their favorite stuffed animal.

I know it's a shock to see that C took Minnie.  Another student brought Mickey and from what I was told Minnie and Mickey had a fun playing with each other all day!

Friday night, we did our normal night out (dinner and grocery run) and then came home to relax.

Saturday morning, we woke up and hit the ground running.  Brent put new legs on the coffee table I'm redoing, I started laundry and then we hit up Lowe's to buy supplies for C's closet redo.

Due to my miscalculations and the guy at Lowe's failure to cut the racks evenly, we had to call in for backup.  My parent's were already coming up to see Cecilia, so my dad helped us cut the racks to the right size.

Then we went to dinner.

C before dinner...

After dinner getting ice cream...

When we got home, Brent and I got busy putting Cecilia's closet together.  Cecilia was feeling left out so she started picking up things to hand to us.


I'm SO glad her closet is done.  It wasn't horrible before but it was awkward and I didn't have the floor space I needed.



Not a major overhaul but enough of one that I still have plenty of space on the top rack for future clothes and the whole closet floor for toys which frees up a ton of space in Cecilia's room.  I still have a few more things I want to do but for now I'm happy.

I also finished my coffee table but I won't show that until I've completed the rest of my living room.  It is a bit out of the box and doesn't fit in just yet with its surroundings.

Even though our weekend was full of projects, we still managed to get in a lot of play time with C.

My little artist.

Brent usually takes Cecilia to the park on his day off but this weekend they let me join in on their fun.

She goes bananas over the park!  She was running around everywhere squealing and carrying on.

I feel pretty good about our weekend and I'm ready to tackle the next item on the list!

1 comment:

Momoi said...

The closet looks really good--maybe I need you to re-do mine :0).