Friday, July 27, 2012

A Few Fun Things

We are in full potty training mode right now!  I feel like I say that a lot but this time, all 3 of us are on the same page.  It all started last week when she was accidentally put on the potty at school.  To her and the teacher's surprised she managed to pee!  She was so proud of herself as was all the staff at school.  We made a huge deal out of it and she has been eager to use the potty ever since!  We keep getting reports like this from school...


and the other night I bought these to hopefully get us full potty trained over the weekend.

Everyone was right, she started on HER terms.


After work Wednesday, I met up with Emily and Alicia at Stakz to catch up on life.  It has been forever since I've seen this girls and it was nice having some girl time.

I'm in the middle of redoing our living decor. It all started with the coffee table that we redid and now it has evolved into rearranging the whole room.  I've taken lots of things out, added a few new things and have a list of projects that need to be complete.  One of those items is to make new pillows for the couch.  I scored this material last weekend and am in LOVE with it!

It ties all my colors together so perfectly.  I can't wait to see it all done.  Hopefully that will be soon.


We have a busy weekend ahead of us.  Tonight, my mom and I are going to a women's night at my church.  Tomorrow night, we are going out to eat for my mom's birthday and Sunday (her actual birthday), C and I are going to my parent's to spend the afternoon with them while Brent works and has a guy's night out.  Doesn't leave me much time to get any projects crossed off my list but maybe I can get started on one.


Emily said...

Tell Momoi happy birthday for me! And yay for Cecilia (the m&m pic cracked me up, loving the bribery!)!!

Women's night at church sounds like fun! Have a good weekend!

Momoi said...

I am sooo looking forward to my birthday weekend!