Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Room Redo

I'm in the early stages of planning out Cecilia's big girl room.  I'm dragging my feet a little because she has really started to enjoy her room more and spends most of her time in it.  Kicking her out while we paint (shh haven't told Brent that we have to paint.  He is going to kill me! :)) and reorganize, I feel is going to be chaotic.  But I want it done so we will just have to make do.

Here is what I think want to do...

Love all the fun colors (another reason for Brent to call our house the clown house) and I'm really digging the wall gallery.  The other good thing is the bedding will be about my only big purchase because I have a lot of things already around the house that will work in the room.

I do, however, want to buy one of those silly animal heads!
I want an elephant though. I think it would be so cute!

I really would love to do this...

Her room is so crowded with toys, the loft bed would be perfect but I think she is still too young for something like this.

 And speaking of crowded, her closet is a disaster!  There were already storage units in the closets when we bought the house but hers just doesn't function well anymore.  I have been looking at Lowes.com for ideas and would love for her closet to look this...

but sadly, I cram EVERYTHING into a closet and pray I don't get hurt when I open the door.  Since the closet will be the easiest thing to do, I'm hoping to get it tackled this weekend.  That is if I can convince Brent.  :)  He LOVES my projects!

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