Monday, October 8, 2012

A Much Slower Pace

The past 2 weeks have been H E double hockey sticks at work and this week ain't lookin' any better.  I'm not sure what crawled up some people's hind parts but I will be glad when they crawl back out.  Good grief!
Anyway, since I was in a sour mood on Friday I wanted to do something fun with C.  Her and I were on the same wave length because as soon as she got in the car she asked to go to the park.  Wish granted my child.
But sadly our trip was short lived because there was a 10 year old there that didn't realize my personal space was larger than 12 inches and that asking annoying questions non-stop for 30 minutes might bother some people.  Thank heavens C had to go pee and the only potty was a port-a-potty and we all know there is no way I'm taking her in one of those!  My dad braved that when we were at the pumpkin patch last weekend and I nearly DIED!!! when I saw them emerge from the little blue box.
So we came home and enjoyed the rest of the night playing and watching a movie.  Oh and we watched a little bit of the Braves-Cards game beause Brent thought I was nuts for not watching it.  We decided to try to cheer Mo (my brother who is a Braves fan) up with this little video but I don't think it worked.
For those that don't know, she was trying to do that hand chop thing the Braves' fans do.
The rest of the weekend was filled with lots of sports watching, laying around the house and doing a bit of shopping with my mom on Sunday.  AKA a whole lot of NOTHING!
Normally I'm not into that much couch/house time but I think it was just what I needed.  Or it was until I came into work this morning.  Now I'm thinking I need a Xanax and a stiff drink.

1 comment:

Momoi said...

I enjoyed the video and knew exactly what she was doing. I bet Mo enjoyed it too!