Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Recap

Friday after school, C and I had appointments to get our nails done.  This was her first real manicure and she loved it!  She sat so still and watched every move the nail tech made.  I took her to a place here in town that caters to little girls but was a little disappointed in the whole thing.  Although the girls were really sweet, the place was a little shabby (not in the good way) and I have definitely walked away with better manicures.  The good thing was Cecilia had nothing to compare it to and was so proud of her nails.
I let her pick out her own color, a light purple, and she has showed everyone her nails.
After we got our nails done, we took Brent dinner at work and came home for our favorite Friday night activity...popcorn and a movie! 

Saturday morning, we had a ton of errands to run.  One of our stops was Lowe's and someone found the kitchen area.
She had to look at EVERY kitchen set up and open EVERY cabinet and drawer that she could reach.  We finally made it to where we needed to be and C was kind enough to help her daddy carry the load.

Our last stop was the grocery and even with 2 of us, it is hard to keep C entertained and in the cart.  This time we found our golden ticket and will be grabbing this cart from now on.

Seriously, the girl didn't move for this car!
 Sunday, after church C got a special treat for doing her "business" that morning.

Pure delight.
We are struggling in the #2 area and will use any means necessary to get her to use the potty instead of her Fruit of the Looms.
And to wrap our weekend up, we took C to my parent's church for their fall festival last night.

Our little princess.
She had fun playing all the games they had for her age and really enjoyed watching the little dancers do a jig to The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

The princess in her castle, er barn.
And of course we had to decorate a pumpkin to look like our favorite animal.

I would like to take this time to thank Mo and Leslie for introducing my child to cats.  She is obsessed with their cat (even though it lives a mere 1300 miles away) and bless her heart I just don't do cats.  I'm fine if other people have them but they aren't my favorite.  Maybe one day they will move closer and she can go to their house and play with Kitty.  (hint, hint) :)
After everything we had going this weekend, we were beat last night.  C passed out quickly and I wasn't too far behind.  Brent raised an eye brow when I announced I was going to bed at 8:30.  I just can't hang like I used.

1 comment:

Emily said...

She looks so cute in her little blue sweatsuit! And don't even get me started on the princess dress. Adorable!