Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ups and Downs

This week has been a whirlwind.  One minute we are all happy as little larks, the next we are wiping the tears of a sick kid.
It all started on Saturday.  That morning C and I went to Emily's to have our monthly book club meeting.  We had a good visit with the girls and right before we left she kind of started crying.  It was close to her nap time and she has been fighting allergies all week so I thought she was just tired.  We had plans to go to a pumpkin patch so I was going to let her sleep on the way.  Well she didn't sleep but she magically perked up a bit when my mom got in the car.
We had a nice time and bought a few things but C wasn't into this one as much.
The only thing she did like was the animals.

 And of course she found a cat that she fell in love with.

After the patch, we had a dramatic ride home.  Lots of crying and screaming.  C finally got settled down enough to sleep and when she woke up she was a whole new girl.

We got her tent out and she was bouncing off the walls.

Sunday, was another up and down day.  She acted like she didn't feel good but then 10 minutes later she was running around like a crazy person.  She did mention a few times that her ear hurt so I knew an ear infection was nearing.  But it was kind of hard to take her serious when she kept making these faces...

By Sunday night, I knew she needed to go to the doctor.  The doctor confirmed she had an ear infection and loaded us with meds.  I wish I could say she has been better ever since but she hasn't.  She goes through spells where we think she is fine but the next minute we are cleaning up "messes."  We have been so lucky that this all happened on Brent's week off.  I hate that he has to spend his vacation with a sick little one but I have no idea how we would have juggled this otherwise.  He has been such a trooper and SO helpful around the house and with C.  He has earned major brownie points this week!  :)  We are both hoping she feels better soon.
And because I want to leave on a good note, apparently this is what I look like when I have mini jam sessions in the car...
I was rockin' in out in the car with C the other day when I looked in the rear view to see this.  Guess I do a duck face when I jam? 

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