Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bye Daddy!

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to Brent and send him back to work. I wasn't sure how I would handle the change. Apparently these days I am pretty emotional at the drop of the hat. (stupid hormones!)

Luckily, Momoi came over to distract us and keep us busy.

I had a ton of errands to run so the 3 of us loaded up and headed to town. Mom and I took turns going into the stores and staying out in car with Cecilia. Cecilia did great! We had a few meltdowns but I don't blame her. I would have hated to be stuck in a car seat all day too! She is a trooper and I can only hope she will be that well behaved when we can get out into public and do some serious shopping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did you get Colt to pose so well for those pictures?! He's like a little super model doggie. :) haha.

So glad to hear you and Momoi had a good day out! Cecilia is such a sweetie!