Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011: Part 1

Our festivities started Friday night at my parent's house.  My brother flew in on Friday so we were ready to see him!  We haven't been together since his wedding back in April so we made a trip down to Franklin to welcome him home.

Cecilia warmed up to him pretty quickly and the two played the majority of the night. 

She even scored a few early Christmas gifts from my mom's co-workers.

(excuse my child's chipmunk cheeks.  She shoved a WHOLE piece of chocolate in her mouth right before I took this.)

Saturday morning, Cecilia and I made a cake for later that night...

and cookies for Santa which had to be taste tested after her nap (hence the crazy hair).

Again with the cramming of food in her mouth!  They must have been good!

On Christmas Eve, we went out to eat with my family and did a little last minute shopping/browsing at the mall.  We came back to our house for dessert and we had a little gift dropped at our door.

Santa's elves had dropped off some Christmas pjays for Cecilia to wear.

She wasn't near as excited as her mama was about the gift.  Oh well, maybe another year!

We ended our night at the 11 o'clock service at our church.  This is one tradition Brent loved growing up and wants to make sure Cecilia has the same tradition.  I had visions of her sleeping through the whole thing but that didn't happen.  She was buck wild and wide awake!  My mom went with us so she bounced from her to me to Brent to back to her.  Heavens!  I was for sure after the service she would fall asleep on the ride home but again my dreams were crushed!  She was up until about 12:30am!  Santa almost didn't come because he was too tired and couldn't stay awake any longer but thankfully he found a small ounce of energy left in him and was able to leave goodies at the house.

Our festivities are to be continued...

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