Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why Not

Clearly yesterday was Ash Wednesday and everyone was talking about what they were giving up for lent.  I'm Southern Baptist and that's not something we practice but I do like the meaning and purpose behind it.  So I thought, why not give something up.

I thought all day yesterday of what I could give up that would actually be hard for me.  I had several things on my list but none of them seemed right.  At some point I had even them up for an extended period not meaning to.  Then it hit me late afternoon.  Chocolate.  Some of you are saying 'big whoop.  That's easy.'  But let me confess...I eat something chocolate EVERYDAY.  Most days multiple things.  I don't have to have a huge piece of cake or ice cream but I do like a little chocolate throughout my day.  Why just yesterday morning, I popped 4 Hershey Kisses before lunch.  And when I fully committed on giving up chocolate for lent, I had 3 hand fulls of M&M's.  (Had to get that last chocolate fix in.)  I crave chocolate after a meal like smokers crave a cigarette.  I sometimes even get the shakes when I haven't had any in a while! :)

Giving up something one loves is all mind control and focusing those craving and thoughts on something else.  So I have decided that during those cravings, I'm going to learn a new bible verse or drop a note to someone I haven't seen or talked to in a while.

I might as well be productive during this time than dreaming about a big fat 3 layered chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate chips.

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