Wednesday, February 1, 2012


a little extra caffeine does the body good.

It is clear I am in no mood to be at work today.  I have listened to enough endless nonsense chatter that I want to do bad things to my coworkers.  Not to mention the things I dream about doing to the guy 3 cubes down chomping on ice.  He does it EVERYDAY after lunch.  It's like God is testing me to really see if I will kick him in the mouth.

If only there was a little something stronger mixed in my D.P.


Jennifer said...

This made me laugh out loud. I think of you at every chomp! The week is half over... hang in there!

Emily said...

Hey girl! Hope your day was better today! I nominated you for a blog award on my post today!

Kelli said...

This makes me laugh! Sorry Kac. I remember when I use to chomp ice just to make you mad.