You smile all the time and love to talk and squeal. Colt of course hates it. He runs to the corner and starts shaking. I think it is a little too high pitched for him!
This is how I find you every morning. EVERY morning! You are a morning person and I'm not sure where you get that. I am most definitely not. I'm not sure a smile ever hits my face til sometime around 10am and that's only after I have chugged a diet coke. Maybe Daddy. He usually hits the floor running in the mornings.
You no longer like to fall asleep laying on my chest. Some days you just pass out sitting in my lap or you and I will lay in the floor on your quilt and stare at each other til you fall asleep.
You have figured out how to grab things so when we are laying face to face you like to grab my face, mouth or nose. I always wonder what you are thinking when you stare at me. I'm assuming 'who is the goofy person who is always up in my grill!'
You love playing with your toys and do so for hours on end.
You have figured out how to grab them and insert in your mouth. Which is where everything (toys, burp rag, my hair etc) ends up.
Its fun to watch you play because you are still trying to figure it all out. Sometimes I will catch you staring at your hands as you move them with your toys or your feet when you start kicking like crazy.
You love playing with your toys and do so for hours on end.
You are sitting up more these days and throw a fit if you lay on your back too long. We rotate you from your bouncer to the Bumbo to sitting in between our legs. You are still pretty wobbly but are getting stronger every day. Your teachers at daycare had you in an entertainer so you could be upright and you LOVED it. They said you played in it most of the day and smiled and carried on. So guess what Momoi and Pap got us the next day? One for our house! Oh the fun we will have!
I love reading your updates and love the new background!!
I miss that precious girl!!!...and her mama! :) She's a doll baby!
Dear Lil Ms. CC:
Your smile takes our breathe away.
Grams and Paps love you so much and wish we were closer to be able to see that beautiful smile in person.
We didn't know mommy when she was your age but am sure she smiled alot as well, but we do know that your daddy had a smile that could melt your heart just like you. He too, was a very good baby.
Grams and Paps LOVE YOU very much and can't wait until we see you again.
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