Sunday, July 11, 2010

All in a Week

Even though Cecilia has been under the weather all week, that has not stopped her in making some progress.

She has finally found her thumb! She has tried very hard for a couple of weeks jamming her whole hand in her mouth then upgraded to just her thumb and pointer finger but now she has master sucking her thumb and LOVES it!

She is constantly sticking it in her mouth which is fine for now but when she starts touching things, it has to go! Remember I am a germ-a-phob so that completely grosses me out just thinking about her touching things out in public then sticking her hand in her mouth! She will have an early lesson in germs!

Our next little step is her starting to sit up. The other night Brent had her elevated on his legs and she started pulling up. It looked like she was doing sit ups. We thought it was the funniest thing, as did she. We then assumed she was ready to start sitting in her Bumbo. The moment her tush hit the seat she was in love! She sat there forever and cried when I took her out of it.

This is her sitting like a big girl in her seat. She is of course watching tv, another favorite thing of hers! Since learning that she likes to sit up, this is the position she prefers. She will lay down for awhile but then cries to be sat up.
Lastly, today was a HUGE day in the Miller household. I had her laying on her quilt with all her toys scattered around her and the next thing I know she is reaching out to grab one of her toys! It was slightly above her shoulder but she found it and brought it to her chest and waved it around! I was so busy cheering her on that I forgot to grab the camera. Luckily, she continued to grab her toys today and I was able to get a few shots.

It is so crazy how excited we get at her little accomplishments! You would have thought she won the Nobel Peace Prize by the way I acted today. She just looked at me and laughed thinking what a fool I was. Oh well I'm sure all parents act this way! Or at least I hope!
Oh and for those who want to know, she is doing better. She is still a little congested but she stays that way and she only coughs every now and then. She is returning to daycare tomorrow and I'm dying to hear what they have to say about her since she had some one's undivided attention all last week. She was spoiled rotten and going to be a handful I'm afraid!


Anonymous said...

That is one cute little lady!! Yay for her sitting up and grabbing toys!! I need to come see her again soon...maybe I'll even hold her this time! :)

Alicia said...

Woohoo...I'm so excited to see her in the bumbo! She's going to be sitting up on her own before long!