Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Pitiful

It seems in a matter of a day Cecilia outgrew ALL her clothes. Onesies that she worn one day were belly shirts the next. I am so thankful people got us all different sizes at our showers. Had they not I would have been running around BG buying this kid clothes.

I had laid out an outfit for Brent to put on her the other day for school and when I picked her up I noticed that what was supposed to be her pants were actually CAPRIS! Even her sweet teachers pointed out that her pants were too little! I was so embarrassed and blamed it on Brent since he dressed her! When I asked him about her pants and he said 'well they fit around her waist and you didn't lay out a backup.' BLESS HIS HEART!

That night I did away with all her 0-3 clothes and pulled out the 3-6. The only problem is we have NO sleepers that size. I take that back we have 2 that size but guess what? Her toes curl up at the end! I hated that she was too long and that we didn't have any that properly fit her so here was my solution...
She looked like a homeless person's child but I couldn't help it, I was desperate.
Guess what's on my shopping list for tomorrow?


Melinda Mayeur said...

You are to funny girl!

Alicia said...

I don't see the problem...I LOVE fuzzy socks. I would wear them everyday if I could!