Monday, July 5, 2010

Things I Learned...

this 4th of July:

1. Cecilia is a great long distance traveler! We sang, laughed, played... and slept.
2. When going out of town with a baby, you must pack everything including the kitchen sink!
3. Festive attire is a MUST for babies at any holiday.

4. Our niece, Aubrey, is just down right ADORABLE!!! (we already knew this but I love this picture. I didn't even tell her to pose. She saw the camera and struck a pose! She is too much!!)

5. Whipper Snappers are no longer for children. They are 3 times as big and powerful and can almost dang near take a toe off!

6. How intelligent people end up in the ER on the 4th!

7. Sparklers are still a blast!

8. The most pitiful thing in the world is a sick baby.
9. Watching fireworks out the window sitting on the couch is just as much fun as being there live.
Cecilia's first 4th of July will definitely be one we won't forget!

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