Sunday, March 20, 2011

And Then We Celebrated

By noon, we decided that we better head to the hospital. We still weren't 100% sure this was the real thing.

We were surprised when the nurse walked in around 2 pm and announced "we're having a baby today!" Daddy and I looked at each other in disbelief. You were finally coming and we were finally going to meet you!

In 4 short hours you were here screaming and in my arms. We couldn't have been happier in that very moment!

Until today came.

Today, we celebrated you, Gee!

There was cake...

friends and family...


and 'Happy birthday' shouted every few minutes.

Today you rocked your birthday .

Even if there were a few tears shed, it was your party and you had the right!

I've worn out memory lane in the past month. It's amazing that I can still remember what I was feeling the day you were born and what was going through my head as I laid in the delivery room. I still remember looking in your eyes for the first time and realizing I was made to be a mom. You made a dream a reality.

I feel like a year is a short time for you to go from a tiny baby to this toddler that now lives in your room. You are becoming such a big girl learning to stand completely on your own and learning to walk. You eat what we eat and still LOVE food. We feel like you eat all day long!

According to the scales the other day, you weigh 21 lbs and 14 oz and are about 30 inches long. Since your weight has slacked off a bit you are still in some 12 month clothes and wearing size 4 diaper.

You jabber all the time and are starting to pick up words and mimicking us. You can high five, blow kisses (without the hand gesture), give hugs when asked and have perfect timing on throwing a fit! You are funny and you know your funny! If you can get a laugh out of us then you will continue to keep us laughing.

I'm so overwhelmed with all the events today I can't remember everything. The important thing to know is, we love you with all our hearts and over this past year we have had a blast watching you grow!

This is definitely a love I never imagined but one I would have hated to miss!

Happy 1st Birthday Gee!

1 comment:

Grams & Paps said...

We were so glad to be there to see you for the first time exactly one year ago and just a thrilled to be there for your 1st Birthday today. Paps and I had a wonderful time with you this weekend and enjoyed and marveled at all the things you are doing and learning. Mommy and Daddy had a very special day planned for your 1st Birthday - you are one lucky little lady to have such wonderful and loving parents not to mention all the family and friends who where there to celebrate as well. Paps and I sure do wish we lived closer and enjoy every minute we can spend with you.
Love you so much Grams & Paps.