Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Bomb Went Off

A bomb went off in my house leaving laundry, toys and other random items strode about. It happened some time late last week and I can do nothing but stare at the disaster. Brent says its not that bad which really means its that bad because our levels of tidiness are no where near one another.

Cecilia seems to like the new look and feels it is her duty in life to add her touch...

At this point I could careless about the mess. Since Cecilia, my housework is at the bottom of my priorties. I will always choose playing with her over housework. Its not that important and at some point I will get to it but with a busy month ahead I don't see it happenin' anytime soon.

I mean which would you choose...housework or this?

So please no surprise drop-ins. The surprise might be on you!

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