Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things I Missed

Sorry this post is pretty boring and is for documentation only.

So I knew I would miss several key things that have happened this month. My head was clearly elsewhere the other day!

You now have 2 teeth! Maybe by the time you are 5 you will have 6! I kid and know they will come in soon enough but it feels like all the other babies your age have a mouth full. Luckily, it doesn't slow you down eating. Everyone is always amazed at how well you eat food with only 2 teeth!

You have for sure added Nanny to your list of words. You will say her name randomly but never to her face.

You are imitating things that we do such as animal sounds and are pretty darn cute doing it! We have just started working on that here lately. And school has taught you a few new tricks as well. I think they work with you all a lot and it shows at home.

You have become a big helper and will help me hang your clothes up by handing me the hangers. You even like to help pick up your things. Most of the time you drag them right back out as if it is a game but at least you know where they go.

Now that your tubes are in you are a COMPLETELY different baby! It is amazing the change in you! You will now play by yourself and are in such a good mood all day! I had no idea it was going to make you feel this much better!

You love to sing and sing a lot in the car! You've even added a few dance moves when singing. We are going to have all kinds of fun when you are older having jam sessions in the car! This is a trait I am happy to say you got from me! :)

In the mornings, you love to sit on the bathroom counter and play in my makeup bag while I finish getting ready. You like playing with all of it but you always seek out the eyelash curler.

At night you have started playing with my hair when I rock you to sleep. I have always rubbed your head when I rocked you to sleep so I'm assuming this is where you go it. You will have your eyes completely closed and seek out my hair. Surprisingly you are very gentle and only pull once in awhile. Its my new favorite thing you do!

I really think that is it. If not, I apologize now for not documenting your life very well. It's the price you pay for having a scattered mother right now!

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